Soul Food Advent Blog Series 2018: 'Room at the Table'
'The Way of the Carpenter' - a poem by Vicky Allen
The Way of the Carpenter
When the carpenter invites you to his feast
there will always be room at the table
for those who are empty and long to be filled
those who are broken and long for wholeness.
There will always be space
for the grieving to weep
and the lonely to find friends.
When the carpenter invites you to his feast
the doors to the house are flung wide, the table fills and fills
and still there is always room for you
the carpenter is always building a bigger table.
Vicky Allen is a Communications Consultant for a small Scottish children's charity and part of Discovery Church Dunbar, a young church plant which often gathers in the wide open spaces of coastal East Lothian.
Vicky loves to write poetry and explore the world of faith in her words. Find out more about her writing at