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"Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest"

Soul Food Edinburgh

Soul Talk Advent Series 2019: 'Words to live a life by'

Guest Blogger: Vicky Allen

The Traveller

I raise my chin

a brittle salute

to dawn's cold welcome

I catch the eye

of fellow travellers

offer a sly nod, a wry wink

I declare


my self-sufficient agency

My body. strong enough

my feet, a little weary

more miles in them yet

The load on my back

surely nothing now

after all the aching years

And on I tread

each step a silent denying trial

a secret even from myself

Then you -

you meet my eye -

you see me

Come, you say


and I falter at being known

And in my faltering

I welcome your hand on my shoulder

a warmth on the ache I deny

You slide my load with care

from shoulders shaped

by long burden

Your hand

a steadying

Your voice

a stilling

Your invitation

a freeing

Vicky Allen is a communications consultant for a small Scottish children's charity, with a parallel passion for writing poetry. She's part of Discovery Church Dunbar, a young church plant which loves to meet in the wide open spaces of East Lothian's coast and countryside as much as possible.

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