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Blessed are the Peacemakers...

Soul Food Edinburgh

Soul Talk Advent Series: 'Words to Live a Life By.'

Guest Blogger: Hannah Kitchen Kirby

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God."

How do we make peace?

We need the security and love that comes from God, the way he helps us feel at home, that we belong.  Because moving between the places and groups and neighbourhoods and classes and cultures that are usually so divided is hard.  Sometimes it can feel like we don't belong anywhere. And yet it's Christ who widens our sense of belonging, our sense of who and what is important. 

And peace in the bible so often walks hand in hand with justice. Why are there places in our city that are disadvantaged on so many levels, when you can walk 5 minutes and be among mansions?

Do we really think some of us should have this much more than others?

But what does that mean? is it just about voting? or giving to charities?


I think it's also spending time in different places, with people who are different from us and with folks we wouldn't usually get the chance to meet. Food, music and dancing help with this.  

And also sharing.

We talk a lot about giving but I like the idea of sharing, because it feels more communal. We can share what we have in so many ways but it helps if you see that others always have something of great value to share too. 

And some practical resources? I've been learning about non violent communication, speaking about our feelings and needs instead of judging ourselves or others. Jesus had some strong words about not judging others too. 

And I think the peace Jesus is talking about is the way he makes peace with us. And between us and the earth. A general sense of everything being right with the world.

I love all of these ideas but day to day it can be a struggle for me. My prayer for advent is that some of what I've written feels more real to us all. I need that at the moment.

So. Lord Jesus, please root us and ground us in your love, so we know we're your children and can step out to make peace with a sense of deep belonging in you. Amen.  

Hannah Kitchen Kirby is a community worker in Leith and a mum. She loves writing songs and swimming in the sea.

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