Monday 13th December
Rachel Moreland

"Your mercy reaches from age to age
for those who fear you.
You have shown strength with your arm;
you have scattered the proud in their conceit;
you have deposed the mighty from their thrones
and raised the lowly to high places."
Luke 1: 50 – 52
The sound of Advent is the voice of a woman on the end of the phone, begging him not to hang up.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a girl who wasn’t listened to when she yelled ‘stop’.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a widow weeping as she wakes up to an empty bed for the first time.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a mother asking where her next meal will come from.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a woman, speaking above the endless board meeting interruptions and demeaning jokes in the office.
The sound of Advent is the voice of the woman from afar, in the departures queue with bags in tow, sighing ‘enough of this’.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a young Jewish girl, whispering ‘how can this be?’ as she watches her stomach grow with new life.
The sound of Advent is the voice of a baby’s cries, born to redeem Woman, for her His life would He sacrifice.
The sound of Justice, a sweet melody for Womankind,
A call for Justice, she cries, ‘It’s about time’.
Rachel Moreland